Archive | October, 2007

Blood, Robes And Tears: A Rangoon Diary Posted on 11 October 2007

Blood, Robes And Tears: A Rangoon Diary

TIME magazine
11 October 2007

I am wedged among monks and thousands of other pro-democracy protesters near the Sule Pagoda in Rangoon. Facing us are hundreds of soldiers and riot police, who finger their assault rifles. “You should get closer,” says the young Burmese woman behind me. “If foreigners are there they won’t shoot.” She is terribly wrong.

War In The Land of Smiles Posted on 6 October 2007

War In The Land of Smiles

Good Weekend (Sydney Morning Herald)
6 October 2007

Up close, you don’t hear explosions. You feel them. There was a flash, and then what felt like a baseball bat, swung with full force, struck my head. Everything went silent, but as I stumbled from the scene I thought I heard rain. It was the sound of hundreds of bits of blood-smeared road returning to earth.